Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter was fun and we went to an Easter egg hunt here in Huntsville. (Addison made the local newspaper.) We spent Easter in Galveston with family resting and relaxing.

Addison loves the park and the swing!! She also loves her Daddy.

Addison's Birthday

Here are a few of Addison's 2nd Birthday party. She had a blast and she loves her Dora toys.
Ok so I did not spell check!! Sorry!! I forgot and I do not know how to go back.

Hi everyone!! All of my friends have a blog so I have broke down and I am going to try. I hope it turns out well and that everyone enjoys it.

Addison is getting big and has hit the terrible two's running. She is very independent and wants to help with everything.

Josh is working as a Criminal Investagator for Texas Department of Crinminal Justice. He seems to be enjoying himself.

I am still working as a Speech Therapist. I service 3 year olds all the way to middle schoolers. I love it and really enjoy my coworkers.