Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jackson's Birthday Party

Addison's friend Jackson had a GREAT 3rd Birthday party. Nicole and I watched the husbands and kids ride off into the sunset. They had so much fun as did we!!!
Jackson and his grandfather had a great time!!
Nicole and I are cowgirls to the END!!!
Cowboy Jay is too cool!!

Addison and Daddy love riding the horse!!

Addison and I in the beautiful forest.
Thanks Jackson for inviting us..........we had lots of fun!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Halloween 2008

Hi everyone........Happy Late Halloween!! Addison was Ariel from the Little Mermaid. She woke up that morning with a fever. So she was not in the greatest of moods. We went to the Dr. and she had an upper respiratory infection but is feeling much much better now. Here are a few pictures of Halloween day!!